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July: Fun in the Stars

Tanabata Celebration

We had a lot of fun celebrating the Japanese festival Tanabata. It is an opportunity for children to learn about the Japanese culture and hear a love story that has been told for many generations.

Akemi sensei read the Tanabata story to the children today which everyone really enjoyed.

We had a special treat today as Hiromi sensei played the Sa Sa Noha Sara Sara song for us all on her ukulele. It was lovely hearing all the little voices singing the song.

In preparation for Tanabata, each class created a beautiful craft based of the traditional Japanese story. The decorations have been hung in our school for everyone to look at and enjoy.




Each class had the opportunity of writing their wish and putting it on the bamboo tree, which was placed in the entrance of our school. Some of these wishes included wanting to be a princess, helping their dad get a bike and traveling to other countries.

The Preschool, K1 and K2 classes said their Tanabata wish out loud to the others.

We had the Star, Nursery, Pre, K1 and K2 kids play a fun Tanabata game. The kids had to put the stars in the matching colored box. The entire school cheered and helped their school friends during the game.

Star Class

Nursery Class

Preschool Class

K1 Class


To finish up the fun party, we played Allie Monster. The kids were trying to collect 4 stars by running past Allie Monster. If they were caught, Allie Monster would eat their stars and the kids would have to try again to collect them back. It was a lot of fun and a little scary.

Happy Tanabata to all of you and we are looking forward to another party next year!